Site reps for Burton Farm, Orion Way, Bybrook, William and Jemmett, Cryol Road and Henwood attended. Apologies for absence were sent.
Wisley trip: Penny has been unable to contact Pat to arrange this for September and a date in early-mid March is now being considered. Wisley has a lot to offer in early spring and the season there is slightly ahead of here in Kent. If you would be interested in going on this coach trip, contact me on so we can get an idea of numbers.
Trading Store: as Geoff is sunning himself in Italy, Tony Fagg gave the figures on his behalf. Turnover is up significantly on the 2013 season, with sales of £5521 compared with £3078 last year. New members have signed up. Please remember that the Trading Store membership is open to all, so do tell any friends who are keen gardeners that they can join and take advantage of the savings.
Treasurer. Three well-qualified people - Brain Stamp, Stevie Boutell and Penny Carey - attended to offer themselves for the post of treasurer, which fell vacant again as Martin Marsh was moving out of Ashford. Penny, Tony and Carol explained that the current account provider (Santander) is unwieldly and obstructive to deal with and they are looking into using an alternative bank. The three candidates will be contacted further and the committee hopes to have a treasurer firmly in post by the AGM.
Show Secretary's report: the 2014 show was a success, as you'll have seen from the report elsewhere on the website (click here to go to it). In general discussion it was agreed that the late date this year made things more difficult than they might have been, and that a larger hall was needed. A vote was taken and it was agreed to try to book the large hall at Kennington Junior School for a date in mid July. Thanks were expressed for all the volunteers who did so much to make the day a success, especially Vivienne Lawson, Sophia Hubball , Mr & Mrs King, and Brian Spencer. A sensible sum was raised by the book stall, produce stall, raffle, and the refreshments. After expenses were deducted the remainder will be set aside to enable the planning of the 2015 show. Further money-raising events will hopefully add to the total.
The Pumpkin Show is on 1st November and further details will be given in a separate post on this News page, also those on email will receive an email.
Eileen Law gave the Allotment Officer's report and showed an impressive grasp of both the figures and the current problems raised by the reps. Copies of a spreadsheet showing the number of vacancies, terminations, non-cultivation notices and new lettings for each site were provided for everyone attending.
Under Any Other Business, the subject of providing a waterproof awning or gazebo for the Trading Store was raised. This would allow more events during all weather. A caravan awning was suggested as this could protect the otherwise woefully-exposed entrance in wet weather. It was agreed that it would be appropriate to use some of the show funds for this project, but that second-hand or free options should be investigated before money was spent. | The Trading Store (above) currently has a garage-type door which lifts up and over. When it rains, there is no protection for the front as when the door is closed, no-one can get in! |