The old saying was "never let them see a Sunday" or, more prosaically, "always keep the hoe moving constantly between the rows". Or, to put it another way, "one year's seeding, seven year's weeding". You can often tell a beginner's plot by the lush weed growth. Beginners buy a spade, a fork, a trowel, maybe a wheelbarrow - but a hoe??? Experienced allotmenteers will tell you that a hoe is at least as vital as a spade and a fork. |
The chap above is using the hoe from the Wolf Multichange System - a good choice. But for real old-fashioned forged strength that will last you a lifetime, take a look at the Bulldog range of hoes - some brilliant designs and proper wooden handles - a joy to use and own. | Bulldog's 'Paxton' hoe cuts at the sides as well as the front and back - one of my favourites and a fantastic price for the quality. |
Hoeing is very staifying, MUCH easier than hand-weeding, and also trims the waistline!