This website is completely independent of any organisation. It's run for all local gardeners, including those who don't have allotments. All views and advice on it are those of the compiler unless it says otherwise.
Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is the intellectual property of the compiler and may not be used without permission. Permission to use material may well be granted; please ask.
Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is the intellectual property of the compiler and may not be used without permission. Permission to use material may well be granted; please ask.
Please remember, a website doesn't grow in the ground like potatoes. Every word on here has to be typed, every link inserted, every photo taken and uploaded. It takes time and hard work. All suggestions are welcome and will be taken into account.
If you're on the waiting list for a plot, we hope this website will give you a helping hand - and when you've got your little patch of earth, some seriously useful advice for a trouble-free start.
There are loads of links to useful webpages, and more will come. If you know of a website which is especially useful, or a page with good info on it, please send the link.
There are loads of links to useful webpages, and more will come. If you know of a website which is especially useful, or a page with good info on it, please send the link.