How to get rid of RUBBISH from your allotment
In the past, some sites used to regularly have a skip supplied by the council to dispose of bulky rubbish. However this was never the general rule and, with budgets being squeezed tighter each year, you should not expect the council to provide this facility.
If the circumstances are exceptional, a case would have to be made and it may prove necessary in the end to go through the committee of the Society. You should in the first instance talk to your rep. If this isn't possible or your site doesn't have a rep, you may wish to contact the committee at [email protected] RIGHT: a recent problem at Musgrove Farm was sorted out by plotholders working together. This is the way to go with rubbish problems. The site is now clear again.
In general, you should dispose of rubbish from your own plot either by taking it home and putting it out on bin day, or by taking it direct to the KCC tip on the Cobbs Wood Industrial Estate. This is open every day except Christmas Day. Click on the button to go to their website
Fly-tipping in the entrances to allotments has been a problem in the past. Fly-tipping can be reported to the Borough Council on 01233 330535. However, if it is more than a few small items you should take the matter seriously and report it as a criminal offence by dialling 101.
Click here to go to the "Clean Kent Campaign" website.
Their advice is clear:
This is an appropriate use of the 999 number and police will take the matter seriously. In case you are unsure of this, we quote the Kent Police website:
Always call 999 if life is in danger or a crime is in progress. Call 101 for non-urgent crime reporting, to speak to your neighbourhood officer or for general enquiries.
IN ADDITION please make a note of the following
Click here to go to the "Clean Kent Campaign" website.
Their advice is clear:
- Please record all details immediately and keep safe.
- If you can take photos (e.g. camera phones) please do so.
- Remember: do not approach any individuals and do not put yourself in any danger.
This is an appropriate use of the 999 number and police will take the matter seriously. In case you are unsure of this, we quote the Kent Police website:
Always call 999 if life is in danger or a crime is in progress. Call 101 for non-urgent crime reporting, to speak to your neighbourhood officer or for general enquiries.
IN ADDITION please make a note of the following
- How many people did you see?
- Did you recognise any of them?
- Can you describe them? (e.g. sex, hair colour, height, distinguishing features)
- What did you actually see these people do?
- Was there a vehicle involved - make / model / colour/ registration number?
- Were there any distinguishing features or signs on the vehicle?