Summer is coming and the allotments are starting to look really good. Up till now, the photographs on this website have mostly been taken by the compiler. And I have no hesitation in saying that most of them are rubbish! Photography is certainly not one of my talents. As many of the photos as possible will be used on the website. Photos will be used to head up the page on each site, and other photos will be used as illustrations. The best photo of each site will be displayed at the Summer Show, and the best of all will get a modest prize. So get snapping!
Bring your spare plants up to the Trading Store this Saturday May 3rd, to find them good homes and raise some money for the Summer Show. If you haven't got spare plants, come to the Trading Store and buy some! Who knows what you'll find, it'll all depend what turns up on the day. Some may be rarer ones you've never tried! If you are bringing plants, please bring them before 11am if possible (the earlier the better in fact). All plants should be in clean compost and should be labelled - just the way you'd like to buy them. If you'd like any unsold plants back please call back just before the Trading Store closes. You don't need to be a member of the bulk buying scheme to take part. All the money raised will go towards Summer Show expenses. The Trading Store is, as I'm sure you all know, at Westrees allotments on Quantock Drive. Make a note on your calendar for August 23rd, the date of the Summer Show. Super prizes have already started rolling in from our carefully chosen garden companies - and more are promised.
Make this the year YOU enter - the prizes will be enough to tempt even the most diffident. There is now a new page for the Summer Show (look on the menu on the lefthand side) and deatils of the prizes will be going on there soon. Every family which has an allotment is equal when it comes to the show; it doesn't matter whether you've had an allotment for 30 years or 3 months, your chance of winning is the same. Even the most expert gardeners meet with frustrations from the weather, while absolute beginners sometimes have the most marvelous quality stuff. This is Kent, folks - we don't go in for fanaticism, just jolly good fun. So for a show with a friendly village atmosphere and lots to win, make that date in your diary - August 23rd. Click here to go to the "Summer Show" page with more details of the classes and prizes. |
This website is happy to publicise all garden-related events.